
artist - Lucy knox

Take 120% daggy dancing mover and shaker, and mix it with an 80% extroverted witty creative - and you get an Unhinged Daggy Human 200% of the time.

I’m a wanderer who dreams of places I haven’t yet travelled. I paint the dream of destinations I haven’t yet met, and then the experience of exploring the corners of our world.

I allow myself to unlock an imaginative state to create a piece prior to travelling. I ask myself who would I meet? What would they be like? Where would I run into them? What would the space look like? What landscape would surround us? What season are we in? What would I hear? What would I smell? I start with these questions, put music on that I’m drawn to, daggy dance to the tunes and allow myself to create!

My pieces take you on an interpretive journey of landscape through the mediums of oil and acrylic. With each gaze my pieces grow in-depth as more layers emerge through uncovered etchings and subtle brush strokes. Every inch of the paintings captures my dream of what the place in the world might be like - a true look into the projected inner workings of my mind.

I want you to really see and feel the experience of my travels, as I attempt to recreate it by consuming every inch of the canvas. As if you were standing there, seeing the world through my eyes. A kaleidoscope of refracted colour, so abstract, lyrical and beautiful.

A creature of habit you’ll notice my favourite paint shirt featured throughout my behind the scenes photos and videos, along with a bright yellow mid-century chair and my little sassy furry dude Batman.

The adventure is in the journey of the unknown.

Luce x.